
Blank sheets

Organization is important. And we all know that it's near impossible to organize your collection without the proper sheets and pages. Here, you'll find neutral album pages, blank sheets with country names/coats of arms and LB pages with pockets in many versions/divisions.

Are you looking for pre-printed album pages? We always have a great selection at competitive prices, find them here.

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Blank Sheets

Only your imagination is the limit. It is possible to combine stamps, souvenir sheets, FDCs, postcards, clippings, maxi cards, pictures, text or whatever you want on blank sheets. You can do it your own way and with Leuchtturm’s sheets you are guaranteed the highest quality.

LB sheets

LB sheets are cardboard pages in album format with welded pockets for storage of stamps, documents and other valuable records. The pocket protects the entire sheet on all sides. 18 different divisions ensures many possible combinations. The perfect solution for expanding your Leuchtturm pre-printed album and thematics. Suitable for all variations / types e.g. sheets, postal stationery, first-day letters, first-day pages from the German Postal Administration, souvenir cards from the United States Postal Service, blocks, souvenir sheets, maxi cards and for storage of new stamps. The outer dimensions for LB sheets are 270 x 297 mm and fit in all Leuchtturm albums. View the range of Leuchtturm albums here.