Population: 1.291.170 - Capital: Tallinn - Currency: Kroon (Euro as of 1st January 2011) - 1st issue: 1918/91
Lots of medieval history
Estonia is the smallest of the three Baltic countries, but there is no reason to overlook the country, as it
Has a lot to offer. From beautiful nature to cozy villages. From the historical medieval center of the capital
to the impressive castles, spread over the country. The capital Tallinn was founded by the Danish King
Valdemar after the famous battle in 1219, where the Danish flag “ Dannebrog”, according to legend, fell
from the sky and changed the battle into a victory for the Danes. Furthermore Tallinn is the prettiest and
best preserved medieval town in Estonia and Baltics with small cobbled streets and impressive buildings.
During times, Estonia has belonged both to Germany, Sweden and Russia. During the period 1918 to 1940
the country was an independent state with own stamps, but this stopped with the Russian invasion in 1940.
Thereafter more than 50 years went by, before Estonia regained its independence in 1991 and again was able to issue stamps. Since Estonia declared its independency on the 20th August 1991, the country has worked its way forward to become a part of the European Community. Since 2004 the country has been member of both NATO and the EC and on 1st January 2011 the Euro was introduced in Estonia. The historical events and monuments are important themes and just as other Baltic countries, Estonia is an interesting collection area.